St Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of East. America
Consecration items

Dear parishioners,
Below is the list of necessary items for church consecration. Here is opportunity for you and your family to participate in this great event by sponsoring/donating one of this items in memory of your loved one or for the health of your family. Besides necessary items we have also list of items that are optional. Please contact Fr. Aleksandar with any questions you may have at
Ствари за освећење-List of items for Consecration

Дарохранилница-Tabernacle $2,180 TAKEN
Дарохранилница-Tabernacle $2,180 TAKEN
Дарохранилница-Tabernacle $2,180 TAKEN
Горње место-Bishop's chair $1,408 TAKEN
Горње место-Bishop's chair $1,408 TAKEN
Горње место-Bishop's chair $1,408 TAKEN
Јеванђеље-Gospel $1363 ТAKEN
Јеванђеље-Gospel $1363 ТAKEN
Јеванђеље-Gospel $1363 ТAKEN
Путир-Communion set -taken
Путир-Communion set -taken
Путир-Communion set -taken

Крст-Cross $1070 TAKEN
Крст-Cross $1070 TAKEN
Крст-Cross $1070 TAKEN
Чирак-Candle holder $488 X 2  TAKEN
Чирак-Candle holder $488 X 2 TAKEN
Чирак-Candle holder $488 X 2 TAKEN
Држач кадионце- Censers holder$488 TAKEN
Држач кадионце- Censers holder$488 TAKEN
Држач кадионце- Censers holder$488 TAKEN
Посуда за воду-Hot water container $170 TAKEN
Посуда за воду-Hot water container $170 TAKEN
Посуда за воду-Hot water container $170 TAKEN

Кандило-Oil lamp $700 TAKEN
Кандило-Oil lamp $700 TAKEN
Кандило-Oil lamp $700 TAKEN
Остале ствари-Additional items

Налоњи (3 ком)  укупно      $450      Three stands
Прекривачи-часна трапеза $770      Holy Table cover
Прекривачи-проскомидија  $330      Oblation table cover
Прекривач - мала трапеза  $470       Holy table cover (small)
Свештеничка одежда         $1100     Vestments
Прекривачи за налоње      $535        Covers for three stands
Optional items

Holy water font $827
Holy water font $827
Holy water font $827



St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral | 41 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02140 | 617-674-4035